Wednesday 22 May 2013

Hello all, and welcome.

This is my first time blogging, and I must say there is a fair bit to it, HTML, Hyperlinks, text boxes and all kinds of other things to confuse those who do not often dabble in the witchcraft of technology. I apologize to those who come across this blog whilst I am compiling my articles. What brings a technological illiterate like myself to Blogger you might ask? Adventure.

Reading is one of my greatest interests, and as a child I loved tales of great adventures most of all. Lone heroes setting off across the country, battling through swamps and hills, mountains and deserts usually to retrieve a mighty weapon to vanquish some ancient evil creeping across the land. Obviously this influenced me a great deal, and as I have grown older and come into more resources I have begun to undertake my own adventures and it is through this blog that I hope to share my achievements, failures and discoveries. I hope In time I can provide enough information to get others on their feet and off on their own adventures be it hiking, treasure hunting or simply living a full and fulfilling life.

Mark Donnelly 22/5/2013

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